A creature-raising survival game on an ocean planet.
Explore the depths of GUP-14 as you clean up a polluted ocean, repurpose marine debris, and take care of axolotl-like alien creatures!
clean the
Your mission is to clean up GUP-14, a small ocean planet that was once the home of the GUPPI corporation.
When you first arrive on the planet, you’ll find yourself amid murky waters, oil spills, and scattered junk.
Loddles are seemingly amphibious alien creatures that resemble axolotls with flowy tails and external gills.
Though there aren’t many left on the planet, the few that remain seem friendly and curious.
Once you collect enough recyclables, you can deposit them into recycle-bots to upgrade your equipment!
Upgrades for your bubble gun and jetpack will allow you to venture further into the depths.
Once the waters are all clear, release your loddles back into the wild and watch them thrive!